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JOIN Our Facebook Group The Harmony in Chakras books are a must for anyone seeking transformation, greater success, and well-being of mind, body and spirit. - Available on Amazon.com
WELCOMECHAKRA COLLECTIVE TRIBE MEMBERSWHAT ARE CHAKRAS? The Chakras, meaning "spinning wheel of light" in Sanskrit, are the body's main energy centers. Balance in these centers is essential for the maintenance and elevation of physical and mental health, emotional, and spiritual development.WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VOLUME I and VOLUME II? Harmony in Chakras Volumes I is for anyone seeking wanting to learn more about the chakras. Harmony in Chakras Volumes II focusing on dealing with emotions. It's goal is to give you ways to achieve greater calmness, clarity, and confidence. JOIN US ON NOV 6th & LEARN FROM OUR AUTHORS Attend our virtual book launch - Saturday, November 6th EST from 10:30 am - 4:00 pm and let our authors show you how to get greater calmness, clarity, and confidence. THE CHAKRA COLLECTIVE MISSION The mission of the Chakra Collective is to empower and inspire individuals to reach their full mind, body, and spirit potential, enabling them to make a fulfilling difference to their life and the lives of those around them. MEMBERS OF THE CHAKRA COLLECTIVE Members of the Chakra Collective offer products and services to help you:
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