The Chakra Collective's Olivia

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The Harmony in Chakras books are a must for anyone seeking greater calmness, clarity, and confidience in their mind, body and spirit.

The Chakra Collective's Olivia Whiteman

A twice-daily meditation ritual has been part of Olivia's life since she was a senior in high school. She believes that a regular practice of meditation is the greatest gift you can give yourself. She is the creator of the Healing Space, a place where you can come and quiet your mind, just relax and get in touch with the things that are most important to you at the very core of your being.

Olivia works one-on-one with people to assist them in improving their lives. She teaches them to make use of meditation to:

- Bring balance back into their day

- Handle stressful events

- Enhance their clarity and increase their focus

She specializes in guided meditation, many of which are focused on balancing the Chakras. In addition to classes and private sessions she teaches online meditation classes. She also offers customized one-on-one seven minute guided meditations and affirmations by phone.

Many of her clients have goals that they have been putting off for a long time. Olivia has the unique ability to inspire and excite people to move forward beyond any limits they may have. Part of her process is noticing which Chakras (energy centers) are blocked and getting the person to see this too. Other parts is assisting them using techniques like meditation, mind maps, and worksheets to gain the clarity and wisdom to achieve whatever personal or professional outcome they desire.

Olivia provides a variety of ways to get back to mind, body and spiritual alignment. Including, when client's express interest, her expertise in Lakshmi Volkner Chair Yoga, the benefits of essential oils and crystal healing modalities.

Individuals who have worked with Olivia have experienced results such as more peace, balance, happiness, health and completion of projects.

Olivia's belief is  the main reason for many people's accomplishments is they got into motion. She beams, with happiness, when she reads about any praise her client received or when she sees progress a client made or hears about the opportunities a client is offered, just by having a clear vision, and wanting to see it manifest.

Olivia feels giving a person what he/she needs is key--someone may need confidence, another may need focus or a process, and others may need kindness or accountability to get into action, or to stop spinning negative conversations over and over in their head. She is proud of the success achieved by her clients.

"Olivia can help you manifest the life you want to live.
She has given me the confidence to push forward."
~ Artist Alise Loebelsohn (


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